Toward a general theory of Diversity and Inclusion…

a draft…


1.0 Diversity means difference.

1.1 Difference takes many forms.

1.2 Diversity in our social identities is paradoxical.

1.21 In some ways we are all alike.

1.22 There are various and many social groups we belong to which we share specific things with.

1.23 In some ways each one of us is completely unique.

1.3 Diversity or difference is relational, existing entirely within the context of relations with other human beings.

1.4 Diversity or difference is the genesis of relational tension and conflict.

1.5 Diversity or difference is disruptive to social groups.

1.6 Diversity or difference is generative.

1.7 Social groups with greater diversity over-perform or under-perform social groups with less diversity.


2.0 Inclusion is the capacity to include difference.

2.1 Inclusion is activist.

2.2 Inclusion is creative.

2.3 Inclusion is dialogic.

2.4 Inclusion is a function of implicit and explicit, intentional and unintentional barriers to access and participation.

A work in progress towards a theory and taxonomy to support and provide consistency to diversity and inclusion work.

Be good to each other.

  1. Tweets that mention Joe Gerstandt | Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator | Illuminating the value of difference --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elise Mitchell, Gwyn Teatro. Gwyn Teatro said: RT @joegerstandt: Toward a general theory of Diversity and Inclusion… […]

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