Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
April 16th, 2018
If ten lamps are in one place, each differs in form from another; yet you can’t distinguish whose radiance is whose when you focus on the light. In the field of spirit there is no division; no individuals exist. Sweet is the oneness of the Friend with His friends. Catch hold of spirit. Help this [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
March 26th, 2018
Hey! Felt like I should probably see if this thing still works! A few things that might be of interest to you… I am working on a series of videos, focused primarily on Inclusion. What is it, why does it matter, how does it happen, why does it not happen? …exploring those types of questions. [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
July 25th, 2017
Ten years ago today, I was employed by a regional healthcare system, leading their efforts focused on increasing workforce diversity, having an inclusive organizational culture, and delivering culturally competent care. I did not know it at the time, but I was only a few short months from launching my own business. For a decade now, [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
June 16th, 2015
See you in Vegas? The 2015 Society for Human Resource Management Annual Conference & Exposition is rapidly approaching and it is in Las Vegas this year. This is a big conference, so there would be lots to do and see regardless of where it was held, just due to the fact that it brings something [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
March 25th, 2015
A quick post to share a few things that I might not have mentioned here in the past… I have done a couple of webinars with the good folks over at BrightTALK, and they are both available for viewing at your convenience: Team Genius: Do You Understand What Makes a Talented Team? Got Bias? How [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
February 10th, 2015
A few things I want to let you know about: Got Bias? How Unconscious Bias is Compromising your Commitment to Talent webinar | February 26, 11:00am CST | register here Regardless of our intentions, values and beliefs, we often automatically jump to conclusions. In talent management, this can cause more damage than simply a prolonged [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
January 6th, 2015
The idea of fact has always appealed to me, maybe you as well. Part of the appeal, for me at least, lies in the fantasy that by presenting you with enough cold, hard facts I will not need to argue or try to convince you of something. “This isn’t just my opinion/agenda/perspective, look at all [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
Been a busy few weeks! Hope that things are well with you as summer is winding down. Spent a bunch of time in the beautiful city of Nashville recently, working with a client and have been to Chicago, Lake of the Ozarks and Richmond to do work since then. And there was a quick trip [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
May 20th, 2014
It has been far too long since I have posted here. I am working on a series on inclusion that will start here this week, but today I am just going to express some gratitude. Sometimes I get a little caught up in the challenges of my work. I think about how having work that [Read More…]
Archive for the ‘miscellaneous’ Category
February 3rd, 2014
Greetings! I have been away for a while. I took a six week break from all things social media, and have not blogged for nearly 3 months. I have mixed feelings about coming back to Twitter and Facebook and am taking that pretty slowly, but I am excited to come back to the blog and [Read More…]