authenticity (and a new video)


I think that we have done ourselves a great disservice with this idea of authenticity. We have turned it into a buzzword and we throw it around very casually as if it were a safe, simple and common thing. I do not think that authenticity is safe and simple, I think that it is actually pretty hard work. If you are being true to who you are there are going to be times when you are the weirdo, the oddball, the heretic, the outlier…and most of us are just not crazy about that. The desire to fit in and belong and be a part of, may be the most powerful driver of human behavior.

I also do not think that it is terribly common. A good reminder of this is the work of Bronnie Ware which tells us that the number one regret of people on their death bed is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

“Your playing small does not serve the world.”

-Marianne Williamson

I think that authenticity is really big deal and I have just released a short video and a discussion guide to help people and groups of people get started. I hope that you will use it and I hope that you will share it.

Be good to each other.


Lets Chat! My next Skype Day is Tuesday, May 28th. This is a day that I set aside to spend on Skype with you, and you can sign up for a 30 minute slot here. We can get to know each other, catch up, talk about your work, talk about my work…whatever, I bring no agenda to the conversation.

Podcast I have started experimenting with podcasting and think that I will continue to do so. Here are links to Podcast #1 and Podcast #2. If you check them out I would love your feedback, and any ideas you have about where to take them in the future.

Frontier Project As a part of the Talent Anarchy crew I am very excited about an event we have coming up called the Frontier Project. May 20-21. Its going to be rock and roll, you should join us.


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