
  1. Harry Schader

    Hi Joe,

    Here is one way inclusion was implemented in my business to business marketing/advertising organization. Everybody in the company, from entry level personnel to non-creative staff, was included in all our creative sessions. For existing and new customers a written and oral review of our take on the company’s “personality”, their present position in their marketplace and competition was reviewed. The new project or campaign goal(s) were presented by the individual responsible for that particular client. The session continued as follows:

    1. Each member of our staff was encouraged to present a possibility – which we short-handed onto a working board – without comment from the rest of the staff.

    2. Only the person who submitted the idea was allowed to take it down.

    3. The participants were put into what we called Pods (individual groups) and each assigned one of the idea. (the person who submitted the idea was not allowed to be in a group discussing his/her idea)

    4. We set a time limit for discussion.

    5. The goal of each group was to come up with a non-detailed plan of action

    6. A member of each group was selected (by their group) to make the presentation to the body as a whole.

    At this point many of the ideas were withdrawn by the originators due to what each recognized as stronger possibilities. Sometimes we had two very real possibilities and proceeded to flesh both out. However, more often than not we ended up with the most promising idea – and of course, that’s when the work began.

    Our working philosophy was simple: every human being is creative – some have learned how to express it in clear terms, while others needed to learn. We did not allow negative criticism of any idea, thereby encouraging those with inexperience to feel safe in voicing their ideas. Our debates came when working out the details of a project – and some of our best campaigns originated with an idea from an inexperienced employee . . .

    I suppose we might call this process Inclusion with Rules

    Keep up the good work,


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